indian voting team


We are the Indian Voting Team for BTS. A team of dedicated ARMYs from all over India coming and working together to support BTS through Voting

Get to know about important On-going voting events & Vote for BTS

Please click on the image of each for the tutorial ↓


Fan N Star is a major voting app mainly used to Vote for The Fact Music Awards (TFMA)
Please register your accounts now if you do not have any and Collect G+ points and Star Points everyday


Korean Music Award Show Music Core as well as many more Major Award Shows voting takes place on Mubeat app
Please Sign up on Mubeat today and Collect Heartbeats regularly
Prepare your accounts for when in use.
MUSIC CORE schedule
• Pre-voting : Every Tuesday (2:30 pm ist) to Thursday (7:30 am ist)
• Live-voting : Every Saturday (11:55 AM IST)


Idol Champ App is used for many credible and important votings such as Show Champion , APAN & SMA. Sign up your accounts and start Collecting Ruby & Time Chamsims for future use.SHOW CHAMPION schedule : Every Friday (4:30 pm ist) to Monday of next week (10:30 am ist)


Inkigayo , an important Korean Music Award Show's Live- Voting takes place on FREEVOTE App.
Please register your accounts and Collect Heart Points during every BTS comeback !
INKIGAYO schedule : Every Sunday (12:10 PM IST)


M Countdown is one amomg the important Korean Music Award Shows which's Pre-Voting and Live-Voting takes place via website.
Please register as many emails as possible and stay prepared for when in use
MCountdown Schedule
• Pre-Voting : Every Friday (8:30 pm ist) to Monday of next week (8:29 pm ist)
• Live-Voting : Every Thursday (2:30 pm ist)


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Ask all your Voting Doubts/Queries to us via our DMs